The Nature Conservancy invites anyone interested in preserving Miami River Preserve to participate
in a volunteer work party taking place on Saturday, June 20th, 2015 Adjacent to Tillamook Bay,
these restored wetlands will benefit northern red-legged frog, chum salmon, peregrine falcon and
other at-risk wildlife. Volunteers will help control invasive species and remove fence during this work party.

The site is flat but we will be walking on un-even ground through tall, dense grass.
Please bring: hiking shoes, daypack, lunch and snacks for the day, one or two full water bottles,
layers of clothing to be prepared for any weather--including raingear and a hat and sunscreen.
Also bring leather gloves and eye protection (sunglasses or safety gasses), if you have them-if not,
we have gloves and safety glasses for you to borrow.
Registration is required. For more information or to register, please
contact (503) 802-8100 or