It is our pleasure to invite you to visit Pacific Coast Bible Church. You
will find that we are a non-denominational, Christ-centered, Bible-believing
and teaching Church. Pacific Coast Bible Church is affiliated with Village
We count it a privilege to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in Pacific City,
Oregon. We also have a wonderful host of regular visitors from all over the
Great Northwest!
Located in Pacific City, Oregon
Pastor Dan Mason
A Bible-teaching, Christ-centered church for your whole family.
Practical Christianity
Meeting in the same building as the Pacific City Post Office.
Our Ministries
Morning Worship: 9:30 AM
Fellowship Time: 10:30 AM
Sunday School all ages: 11:00 AM
Youth Group Sunday: 4-5:30 @ Bible Shack in Woods
AWANA's (for pre-school - 6th grade) Wednesday 4 -5:30 PM School days
Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer meeting 7:00PM
We welcome you!
Bible Information
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.